MMC-275 Regulation 3.2 Food and Catering (attached)
- Shipowners shall ensure that seafarers hired as cooks on board a ship, are trained for that purpose and have the qualifications and competences required for such position, for which completion of the training course recognized by the Panama Maritime Authority is required and must cover practical cookery, food and personal hygiene, food storage, stock control, environmental protection and catering health and safety.
Panama states the situation of they will recognized the training courses.
The circular is itself explanatory.
MMC-303 Dispensation of Cook’s Course (attached)
- General Directorate of Seafarers has established new dispositions according to regulation 3.2 Standar A 3.2 of MLC2006.
The Maritime Administration has decided to grant a DISPENSATION LETTER, to those cooks holding a ship’s coo training course certificate issued or approved by a Maritime Administration that doesn’t comply with the requirements established on paragraph 4 of circular MMC-275.
Panama Maritime Authority Circular DGGM-UCYC-006-2016 (attached)
- The purpose of this circular is to inform all Recognized Organization that they need to replace ILO 68 references to the Food and Catering matters stating in the CICA Certificate because with the MLC2006 was replaced those requirements and extended.
The CICA certificate was modified stating “Rule 3.2. of Maritime Labour Convention, MLC 2006”, and the surveys onboard will be taking in count this requirements.
This entered into force on April 3rd, 2016
IMR-CICA-I Interim Crew Accomodation Certificate modified attached.