IMR can help in the obtainment of the following documents that are issued by the Administrations we represent:
- Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (MSMC)
- Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
- Exemptions Certificate
- Extensions.
- Re-Issuance of Certificates because of loss.
- Authorizations
- Single Voyage Permit.
- Crew Dispensations
- Declaration of Company and DPA to the Administration
- Declaration of Company Security Officer (CSO)
- Certificate of Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC’92)
- Bunker Convention Certificate (BCC)
- International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks (WRC)
- The Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Part I, (DMLC-Part I)
- Process with the flag the endorsement/authorization of sewage discharge rate – as per MARPOL Annex IV;
- Process with the flag reduced manning authorization due to laid up condition Dry dock postponement/extension;
- Process with the flag an in-water survey in lieu of dry dock (IWSILDD) authorization, specific cases as per MMC-204;
- Process with the flag the amendments of the SSP
- Any queries to the flag we can act as liaison with:
- The Navigation and Maritime Safety Department (Flag state inspections and PSC);
- Segumar Head office (Panama) for all the inquiries regarding MLC 2006; and
- The different departments of the general directorate of seafarers;