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International Maritime Register (Panama) Inc (IMR CLASS) is a growing Recognized Organization (RO)Recognized Security Organization (RSO) and Classification Society established in the City of Panama since 2010. It had been authorized to offer Statutory and Class certification on behalf of flag states under mandatory rules, regulations and requirements established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and administrations.

IMR CLASS as an independent organization who is dedicated to act with impartiality and objectivity to provide the full range of Classification survey services be on behalf flag administrations. We offer the efficient and tailored technical consultancy and survey services for the worldwide clients, which aimed at the service implement and enforce Statutory regulations on Safety, Security and environmental protection of ships, contained with various IMO instruments.

IMR Class has designed a Quality Management System that exceeds the requirements established in the standard ISO 9001:2015 and IMO Resolutions MSC.349 (92) and MEPC.237 (65) or the “Code for Recognized Organizations” (RO Code), to provide the class and Statutory certification service to the ships.

A quality policy towards all IMR CLASS services to the worldwide maritime industry. IMR CLASS Quality Management aimed at the quality control and monitoring the survey services and responsibilities. We had built a professional technical team which is commitment that is in continuous development and training, ensures the highest levels of professionalism and competence to serve our clients AND MEET WITH OUR customer satisfactions.

In addition , IMR Class is a member of IMR Marine Group, which is formed by a group companies supporting IMR Class worldwide clients by  providing a vast of maritime services (Legal Services such as ship registration, crew licenses endorsement , crew manning, Radio accounting authority services, INMARSAT service activation, marine legal consultancy, ship broker & Ship finance and more) specially strengthen on Panama Flag Ships , IMR Commitment to serve our clients with 24/7 and one- stop reliable and efficient maritime services .

IMR had established the Asian Market with the representative office in Shanghai, China to strength and explore our service, our goal is expanding our globalization market and diversify our technical services and solutions for our worldwide clients.

We believe that our clients’ satisfaction is the key to our success, with your trust and support, we could definitely go further!

Our Mission

Commit to provide an environmentally conscious cradle-to-grave and tailored marine certification services, enhancing the safety of life and property at sea.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be an important impact and reliable contributor to the sustainable growth of the maritime industry.


  • Determination and Trust

  • Constant Improvement and Competency

  • Act with Integrity and Transparency

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • Global Corporation and Collaboration
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