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  • Amendments to regulations 2 and 13. Changes to Definitions. (Attached MEPC.258(67))

MEPC 65 agreed to the conclusion by the Tier III NOx Review Correspondence Group the engines fuelled solely by gaseous fuels e.g. pure LNG, should be required to comply with the provisions of regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI.

It was agreed that the scope of the regulations 2 and 13 is to be extended to also include gas fuelled engines MEPC 67 revised the definition of “Marine Diesel engine” as given by regulation 2.14 to which regulation 13 applies. In addition, a gas fuelled engine installed on a ship on a ship constructed on or after 1 March 2016 or a gas fuelled additional or non-identical replacement engine installed on or after that date is also considered as a marine diesel engine.

Paragraph 7.3 of regulation 13 was replaced.


Regulation 2: All candidate gas engines on ships constructed on or afte the relevant ECA-NOx date or additional/non-identical replacement engines installed on or after those dates as applicable. Gas engines and engines which use of dual fuel are already covered.

Regulation 13: Candidates engines on ships constructed 1.1.1990 – 31.12.1999 which have been so altered from their original condition that the AM in respect of engines in their original condition does not now apply.

  • Amendments to Supplement to the IAPP Certificate.    (Attached MEPC.258(67))

Some updates to MARPOL Annex VI resulted to the consequential change to the certification form.

In order to fully and correctly record the NOx certification status of the engines installed on ships and to clearly give why a particular Tier of certification has been applied, 2.2.1 of the Supplement was revised. The amendment to the certificate also addresses shipboard incinerators, 2.5 of the supplement.

Application: All ships subject to MARPOL Annex VI certification (ships engaged in the international voyages of 400GT including offshore structures).


IMR-IAPP-FORM  –  Supplement to the IAPP certificate is attached to be used for the

following surveys.


  • Amendment to Regulation 43. Use and carriage of HGO in Antarctic Area (Attached MEPC.256(67))

While use (as fuel) and carriage (as cargo) of HGO was prohibited in the Antarctic area by MARPOL Annex I regulation 43, there was a case where a ship carried HGO as ballast.

An amendment to the regulation has been made to clarify that carriage, even as ballast, is prohibited.

Application: Ships operating in the Antarctic area from the date of entry into force.


  • Amendments to the Appendix on criteria for the identification of harmful substances in packaged form. (Attached MEPC.257(67))

At the joint meeting of RID Committee on Transport of Dangerous Goods in Geneva it was decided to exclude class 7 radioactive materials as defined by the IMDG Code rom Environmental Hazard Substance (EHS) provisions as it is difficult to differentiate between the environmental effects resulting from the chemical hazards posed by such substances and those related to radioactivity.

The first sentence of the Appendix to Annex III of MARPOL was revised. The replacement text excludes radioactive material from the list of harmful substances identified in the Appendix. The meaning of radioactive was clarified by inserting footnote referring to the IMDG Code.

Application: All ships carrying harmful substances in packaged form from 1 March 2016.

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