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The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide information to ship owners, operators and masters about the mandatory enforcement on board all Panamanian vessels of the International Ballast Water Convention (BWMC) requirements, regarding the installation of the Ballast Water Management Treatment System according to the Regulation D-2, no later than September 8th, 2024.

This means that all existing vessels subject to Ballast Water Management Convention shall have onboard an approved Ballast Water Management Treatment System installed in compliance with the D-2 regulation between September 8th, 2019 and September 8th, 2024. It is understood that vessels constructed on or after September 8th of 2017, shall meet the D-2 standard immediately.

In order to prevent PSC Deficiencies, we encourage ship owners, operators and masters to take into account the content in Resolution MEPC.252(67) adopted on October 17th, 2014 Guidelines for Port State Control under the BWM Convention to ensure compliance with the Convention.

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